Egypt's Proposal

Hamas and Jihad Rejected Egypt's Proposal for a Ceasefire

Hamas and the Islamic Jihad rejected the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire, according to which the terrorist organizations would relinquish power in Gaza and release the abductees in exchange for a permanent cease-fire.

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (Photo: Atia Mohammed/Flash90)

Hamas and Islamic Jihad rejected the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire, in which Hamas would give up power in the Gaza Strip and release the abductees in exchange for a permanent cease-fire. This was reported today (Monday) on the Reuters network.

According to the report, the two terrorist organizations refused any concession beyond the dialogue on the release of the abductees held in the Strip. Hamas refused to comment on the details of the proposed deal, but claimed that "after the cessation of aggression and increased aid, we will be willing to discuss a prisoner exchange."

As mentioned, last night it was reported that Egypt presented a proposal to end the fighting in Gaza, which entails three stages. According to the plan, in the first phase, about 40 abductees will be returned in exchange for a two-week ceasefire and a cessation of gathering intelligence information. In the second phase, talks will be held to establish a Palestinian reconciliation government and in the final phase, another ceasefire will be held, the IDF will withdraw from the Strip and the rest of the abductees will be released in exchange for the release of terrorists as part of a barter deal.

Islamic Jihad Hamas ceasefire Israel-Gaza war Operation Swords of Iron Israel at war


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