Israel At War, Yuval Castleman  Z"L

Dramatic Development in the Investigation of the Shooting at Yuval Castleman

According to the findings of the initial investigation, conducted after Castleman's family agreed to exhume his body, the autopsy found an M16 rifle bullet and at least two bullet fragments.

Yuval Castleman Z"L

A week and a half after Aviad Farija shot dead Yuval Castleman at the scene of the shooting attack in Jerusalem, after mistakenly identifying him as a terrorist, today there was a significant development in the investigation of the incident that contradicts the police position.

According to the findings of the initial investigation, conducted after Castleman's family agreed to exhume his body, the autopsy found an M16 rifle bullet and at least two bullet fragments, contrary to the police claim that no bullets were found in the body.

Following the findings of the investigation, Police Commissioner Chief Superintendent Kobi Shabtai instructed the head of the Investigations and Intelligence Division Chief Superintendent Yigal Ben Shalom to examine the findings of the autopsy and the conduct of the investigation.

As a reminder, representatives of the military attorney's office met last Thursday with the family of the late Yuval Doron Castleman, where they were presented with the main developments in the investigation. At the same time as this meeting, the military police, accompanied by the military prosecution, acted to conduct additional tests with relevant professionals, from which new and relevant information emerged - according to which, it was found that there is an investigative scope in holding an autopsy.

According to the IDF spokesperson, the latest information was brought to the attention of Yuval's family, and they expressed their consent to the opening of the grave. This was after the body was not dissected at the beginning of the investigation, due to the lack of suspicion of criminal activity.

Aviad Farija Yuval Castelman Z"L Israel at war shooting attack shooting incident Friendly fire Autopsy


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