The Shooting Attack In Jerusalem

The Names of those Murdered in the Attack in Jerusalem were Released for Publication

The names of those murdered from this morning's attack at the entrance to Jerusalem were allowed to be published. Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, Rabbi Hana Ifergan, and Livia Dikman, HY"D.

The scene of the attack (Photo: Chaim Goldberg, Flash90.)

The names of those murdered in this morning's shooting attack at the bus station at the entrance to Jerusalem were allowed to be published.

Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, 73 years old, was on his way to the court in Ashdod and is one of the oldest judges in the court system in Israel.

The funeral of Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman HY"D, will leave at 13:30 from 5 Don Yosef Hanasi St., through the Great Beit Midrash in Kirjat Belz in Jerusalem, towards the Har Tamir section of the Har HaMenuchot Cemetery.

Rabbi Hanna Ifergan HY"D, 67 years old, director of Beit Ya'akov, Bnos Hadassah, in Beit Shemesh.

Livia Dikman HY"D, 24 years old. Married 8 months ago. She is the sister of Rabbi Rachel Haber, chairwoman of the Matnat Chaim organization for kidney donation.

In this morning's attack, two terrorists from East Jerusalem opened fire on passers-by. In addition to the three murdered, seven wounded were evacuated with varying degrees of injury to the hospital in Jerusalem.

Israel at war Jerusalem shooting attack casualties Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman HY"D Rabbi Hanna Ifergan HY"D Livia Dikman HY"D


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