Israel-Gaza War

Taibe Resident Calling for Joining Hamas Terrorists Arrested

A resident of Taibe praised Hamas terrorists on social media and called for Israeli Arabs to join them. He has been arrested and his continued detention will be discussed in court today.

(Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson)

Police officers of the Central District arrested a resident of Taibe yesterday after he expressed support and identification with the terrorist organization Hamas on social media. Immediately upon receiving the report, per which the resident supported Hamas online, the investigators opened an investigation and arrested him.

The investigation revealed that a 21-year-old Taibe resident published a number of pictures on social media including captions praising the terrorists and calls to join them.

He added: “Be involved and rebellious … those who are Muslim and do not join the resistance against Israel need to check their Islam.” Today the court will hold a hearing about extending his detention.

The Israel Police stated that “the Israel Police will continue to work to locate and handle inciters to violence and acts of terrorism, and those who identify with terrorism and praise these actions in time of war, throughout social media and anywhere else.”

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas Israeli Arabs Israel Police


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