Israel-Gaza War, Israeli Arabs, Lebanon

Two Arabs Arrested on Suspicion of Weapons Trading with Lebanon

Two residents of Yarka were arrested on suspicion of trading weapons with Lebanon. They are being detained until November 27.

Suspected of weapons trading. (Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson)

The Israel Police announced today (Monday) that two residents of the northern village of Yarka were arrested on suspicion of security-related charges including weapons trading inside Lebanon.

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Arrested on suspicion of weapons trading. (Source: Israel Police Spokesperson)

According to the Police statement, the Border Guard tactical brigade’s undercover unit, along with the Intelligence and Investigative Unit of Northern district, accompanied and guided by the Shin Bet, forcibly entered homes in Kfar Yarka and arrested Riad Gavish and Amal Abu Abla, the suspects in the case.

Seized weapons. (Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson)

The Police also stated that security forces on site seized a large number of weapons including two pistols, ammunition, and additional equipment. The two suspects were brought before the Peace Court in Nazareth on suspicion of contact with a foreign agent and possession of weapons. At the request of the Northern District Police, the court extended their detention until November 26-27.

Earlier, the Police announced that it had arrested a minor and resident of Taibe who published posts of support and identification with Hamas. The suspect was brought in for interrogation and ultimately detained, and his continued detention will be discussed in court tomorrow.

According to the Police, investigators of the Taibe station launched an investigation upon receiving a report of suspicion of support and identification with a terrorist organization on social media. The investigation revealed that the suspect, described as a minor aged 14 and a half years old, posted a photo split in two on social media – the top half showing Hamas detainees walking in a column with their hands bound, and the bottom showing IDF soldiers kidnapped by terrorists. The post was given the caption “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, what will come is harder, crueler.”

Operation Swords of Iron Israeli Arabs Israel Police Lebanon


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