Red color sirens were heard just now (Monday) in Ashdod and other settlements in the Lachish region, including Gan Yavneh, Sdeh Eliyahu, and Shtulim. Magen David Adom teams went out to scan sites where landings were reported, but no casualties have been registered so far.
This is the first time today that fire was registered towards settlements outside the Gaza Perimeter. Since the heavy salvo fired towards the Dan Bloc at 22:00 last night, quiet was maintained for nine and a half hours, until sirens were heard in Kfar Aza, Netiv Ha’asarah, and Nachal Oz.
Since this morning, only two additional sirens were heard: additional fire towards Netiv Ha’asarah, Erez, and Yad Mordechai at 11:07, and sirens in Re’im and Ein Hashloshah.