Anti-Semitism, Cincinnati

Tragic: 176 Jewish graves vandalized in Cincinnati cemetery

Jewish tombstones in a large cemetery complex in the city were vandalized to such an extent that some of them are no longer recognizable.

Jewish tombstone vandalized (Photo: Achim Wagner/ Shutterstock )

The Jewish residents of the city of Cincinnati woke up yesterday (Monday) to a shocking anti-Semitic spectacle - gravestones of Jews in the complex of a large cemetery in the city were vandalized to such an extent that some are no longer recognizable, according to Arutz 14.

The event took place in the Cowdale cemetery complex in the city, where there are two complexes of Jewish cemeteries. A total of 176 gravestones were vandalized in the "Glory of Israel" and "Beit Midrash Hagadol" cemeteries.

They were knocked down and some were even broken so that until now the management of the Jewish community in the city council did not know some of the families about the gravestones of their loved ones.

Antisemitism USA


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