ADL Survey, Anti-Semitism

Eye-opening ADL survey: Nearly 40% of respondents agree with anti-Semitic stereotypes

The new survey was conducted in seven countries with substantial Jewish populations. 

Pro-Palestinian encampment (Photo: Arthur Mansavage/ Shutterstock)

A new survey from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) explored anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views in the J7 task force countries, where some of the largest Jewish populations outside of Israel reside. Those countries are The United States, France, Canada, Australia, The UK, Germany and Argentina.

The findings showed that almost 40 percent of respondents agreed with at least six antisemitic stereotypes. Among the significant results, 56 percent of those surveyed across the seven countries believed in the "dual loyalty" trope, thinking Jews are more loyal to Israel than their home countries. This belief was held by 51 percent in the US, and 64 percent in Argentina and Germany.

The survey revealed that Millennials (born 1981-1996) show the highest levels of antisemitism in the surveyed countries. It also found that Millennials and Generation Z (born 1997-2012) have the least favorable views of Israel, contrasting with Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) and the Silent Generation (born 1928-1945), who hold the most favorable views.

ADL Antisemitism


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