Anti-Semitism, London

Mother of assaulted 11-year-old Jewish boy considers leaving Britain for good

The shocking attack against a group of schoolboys took place on London's Underground.

London Underground (Photo: Janv.editor/Shutterstock)

The mother of an 11-year-old Jewish boy from Hasmonean High School for Boys, who was assaulted at the Belsize Park Underground station, has revealed that her family is contemplating leaving Britain after the harrowing attack.

The Jewish Chronicle related that the woman said her son is "struggling to sleep" and is "deeply shaken" after being beaten with his school friends in an incident now being investigated by police as a hate crime.

“We love this country, and we participate and we contribute but now we're being singled out in exactly the same way as Jews were singled out in 1936 in Berlin.

“And for the first time in my life I am terrified of using the tube. What's going on?”

Antisemitism London


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