Umm al-Fahm

Israel-Gaza War, Demonstrations
The Supreme Court: Israeli Arabs will not be able to Hold Demonstrations Against the War

The Supreme Court decided to reject the petition and ruled that there will be no protest demonstrations in Sakhnin and Umm al-Fahm against the war: "Under the special circumstances the petition must be rejected."

| JFeed | 08.11.23

Rampant Violence

Rampant violence: a man was shot to death in Umm al-Fahm

The body of a 40-year-old man was found in an abandoned apartment in Umm al-Fahm. Medical teams that arrived at the scene had to pronounce the victim dead on the spot, and the Israel Police began investigating the incident

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 04.10.23


Lapid: The government has worsened the situation in Arab society

Opposition leader Yair Lapid at a meeting with heads of the authorities in the Arab society: "Not enough has been done to reduce crime in Arab society, and some of what has been done - worsens the situation. The mayor of Umm al-Fahm: "The government left security in the hands of Ben-Gvir and this is the result" 

JFeed | 13.09.23

Attempted Theft of Agricultural Crops

Residents of Umm al-Fahm were caught with hundreds of kilos of stolen tomatoes

Residents of Umm al-Fahm were apprehended after attempting to steal hundreds of kilograms of agricultural produce in the northern moshav of Ram-On. They were arrested, and the goods were returned to their owner

JFeed | 16.08.23