
Weather Report
Weather report: Cold, rain, flood, oh my!

The weather will continue to be colder than usual, with rain and thunderstorms. Snow will fall in the Hermon and flooding is possible. The forecast for the next few days.

JFeed Staff | 14.02.24

Weather Forecast

Heavy Rain, Strong Winds, and Snow in Central Mountains | Weather Forecast

The stormy weather will continue in the coming days. Heavy rains will fall throughout the country accompanied by thunderstorms. Snow is expected in the mountains of the north and Samaria. Weather Forecast:

JFeed Staff | 27.01.24

Weather Forecast

Cold, Floods, and Snow - Not Just on the Golan Heights | Weather Forecast:

The weather in the coming days will be wintry. The temperatures will drop, and rain is expected throughout the country. Snowfall is forecasted in the north, and there is a concern of floods. Weather forecast:

JFeed Staff | 24.01.24

Weather Forecast

Stormy and Rainy Weather Ahead; Winds, Rain, and Snow: Weather Forecast

In the coming days, the weather will be stormy and rainy. Strong winds will prevail, accompanied by precipitation and thunderstorms. Snowfall is expected on Mount Hermon. 

JFeed Staff | 23.01.24

Weather Forecast

After the Storm: Weather Forecast for the Coming Week

The weather at the beginning of the week will continue to be wintry, but from Monday, the storm will calm down. A slight rise in temperatures is expected, and it will be clear. Weather forecast:

JFeed Staff | 13.01.24