
Israel - Gaza War
Their Turn: Kfir Brigade Soldiers Raid Khan Yunis | Watch:

Kfir Brigade Fighters operated in the Khan Yunis region in recent weeks. During the fighting, dozens of terrorists were neutralized, and numerous weapons were discovered in the Kasbah neighborhood of the city.

Liran Vainshtain, Abraham Gutman, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24

Israel- Gaza War

The IDF Killed the Commander of the Nukhba Company in Deir al-Balah

The Air Force forces killed Adel Msammah, the commander of Deir al-Balah's Nukhba company who commanded the terrorist forces that raided Kissufim on October 7.

JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Sea, Land, and Air: 200 Targets were Attacked in the Gaza Strip | Watch

The IDF continues a combined attack on targets in the Gaza Strip. On the last day, 200 terrorist targets were attacked, in Shuja'iyya, Air Force aircraft eliminated terrorists.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 27.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

Publication Permitted: Name of Another IDF Fallen Soldier in Gaza Released

It was allowed to be published that Sergeant Eran Aloni, 19 years old, from Ofakim, a fighter in the 51st Battalion in the Golani Brigade, was killed last night in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip. This brought to nine the number of casualties in last night's heavy fighting in Shuja'iyya.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 13.12.23