Rosh Hashanah

Elul, Music
JUST IN TIME FOR SHABBOS: Mordechai Shapiro and Akev's new single 'Elul' | Listen

Singers Mordechai Shapiro and 'Akev' (AKA Gabriel Reichman), have just released a new single they wrote and composed together - "Elul". 

Gila Isaacson | 06.09.24

Uman Pilgrimage, Breslover, Rosh Hashanah

Uman pilgrimage for Rosh Hashana in jeopardy: No government support 

Rising antisemitism and war fears grow as Israeli ministries fail to organize crucial holiday trip.

| Avi Nachmani | 25.08.24

Uman, Rosh Hashanah

In the shadow of the celebration in Uman: a 55-year-old man died after CPR

The 55-year-old collapsed shortly before the holiday in Uman and died after resuscitation efforts. About 1,000 more people needed medical treatment, 250 of them required longer treatment

JFeed | 17.09.23

Herzog: "We Remain Together"

President Herzog congratulates in honor of the new year: "We must remember - we remain together"

The President of the State, Isaac Herzog, calls to mobilize the forces in Israeli society to find broad national consensus: "Our people have been blessed with so many good women and men"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 15.09.23

"We Wish for Unity"

Chabad emissaries in a holiday greeting: "We wish for unity all year round"

Chabad emissaries from around the world have come together for a special video message for Rosh Hashanah, in which they talk about their preparations for the holiday. In their blessing, they also express hope that the unity they see among all parts of the Jewish people during the holidays will continue throughout the year

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23

Keir Starmer Met with Jewish Students

Towards the beginning of the new year: the chairman of Labor met with Jewish students

The leader of the British Labor Party met with students at a Jewish school in London, where he talked to them about Rosh Hashanah and said that he "loves that it's a time when you can look back and also forward, and take stock of your life." Watch the video

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23

Traffic Jams on the Holiday

Please note: these are the expected traffic loads on the holiday

The Israel Police warns of a series of congestion and traffic jams that are expected to occur on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, and also warns of congestion during the holiday itself

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23


Happy and sweet year: everything you wanted to know about honey

Just before Rosh Hashanah comes and we all dip the apple in honey, do you really know the tasty and sticky liquid that makes us all have a sweet year?

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Easier Border Crossings

Good news for Uman passengers: easier border crossings

Preliminary agreements with the Ukrainian government on cooperation and assistance at the border crossings for passengers to the Uman. Minister Porush: "The good news thanks to the Prime Minister's activity"

JFeed | 09.09.23

Longest Shofar Blow

Guinness World Record? Watch the longest shofar blow we've ever seen

At the end of the blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, it is customary in some communities to blow the last blow as a long "teki'ah gedola". Achiya Namat from Givat Shmuel blew for 75 seconds (a minute and a quarter). watch

JFeed | 05.09.23

Inspection of the Western Wall

Approaching the Jewish New Year: An inspection was conducted on the Western Wall stones

Approaching the Jewish New Year and the holidays of Tishrei, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation is preparing for the arrival of hundreds of thousands of worshipers. Therefore, a routine inspection has begun to examine the integrity of the Western Wall stones

JFeed | 29.08.23

Rosh HaShanah in Uman

Amidst the War: Preparations for the New Year in Uman

As part of the preparations for the travel of thousands of Israelis to the Rosh Hashanah prayers in Uman, Minister Meir Porush toured the airport in Kishinev and met with the heads of Ukraine's border system. Due to the war, significant efforts are being made to find convenient entry methods for Israelis

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 08.08.23