
The Legal Reform
The moment of truth: The High Court of Justice will discuss the cancellation of the probable cause law today

Historically, all 15 judges of the High Court of Justice will gather today for a dramatic discussion on the question of whether to invalidate the "Basic Law: The Judiciary" amendment, regarding the reduction of the reason for reasonableness.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Roadblocks In Jerusalem 

Ahead of the demonstrations tonight: these are the roads that will be blocked in Jerusalem

The police announced that during the day they will block a series of roads throughout the city of Jerusalem, as a result of the left-wing demonstrations planned to take place throughout the day

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

"Rule of Reason"

The High Court ruled: the discussion on the cancellation of the reasonableness ground will not be postponed

The High Court rejected the government's request to postpone the date of the hearing on the petitions against the law to cancel the reason of reasonableness, and clarified that the hearing will take place as planned next Tuesday

JFeed | 05.09.23