Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow: It is Shocking that this Word has Returned to our Language

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow on the release of the dual citizenship captives: "The word 'selection' has returned to our language. It's terrible. Israel must not cooperate with this."

JFeed | 23.10.23


Netanyahu: "Zero tolerance for any harm to worshipers"

Netanyahu condemns the incident in which Christians were spat on: "I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate the believers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive measures against this phenomenon"

JFeed | 03.10.23

Rabbi Cherlow: To Ask for Forgiveness

Rabbi Cherlow on Leifer's sentence: to ask for the forgiveness of the victims

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow on Malka Leifer's sentence: "An integral part of the rehabilitation process for the victims is the recognition that their complaint was true"

Guy Ezra | 24.08.23