
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow: It is Shocking that this Word has Returned to our Language

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow on the release of the dual citizenship captives: "The word 'selection' has returned to our language. It's terrible. Israel must not cooperate with this."

(Photo: YouTube/Worlds Institute - Knowing to Believe)

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, head of the "Orot Shaul" yeshiva in Tel Aviv and one of the chief rabbis of the "Tzohar" organization, addresses the decision of the Hamas terrorist organization to release captives who hold dual citizenship. He says that Israel must not cooperate with this.

According to Rabbi Cherlow, "The release of some of the captives who hold dual citizenship is shocking. The word 'selection' has returned to our language. It's terrible."

According to him: "Side by side with the joy for each one coming out of captivity. The State of Israel is not allowed to cooperate with such processes. Not directly, and not indirectly. It is not moral. We are responsible for all. We are accountable to all. We do not accept any discrimination between one life and another."

"Releasing them all is one of the goals of the war. Every one," said Rabbi Cherlow.


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