Oketz Unit

IDF Gaza war, Oketz Unit dog
More Al-Jazeera lies - the true story behind the Oketz dog in Gaza

Enlightening facts reveal the truth behind the recent Al-Jazeera propaganda regarding an IDF dog attacking a Gazan women, further demonstrating the lies and evil behind the terror organisation and its followers.  

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Oketz Unit

IDF dog attack allegations ignite international debate

The IDF face intense scrutiny following allegations of a military dog attack on an elderly Palestinian woman in Gaza. 

Gila Isaacson | 27.06.24

Four-Legged Heroes

Four-Legged Fighter: This is How Oketz Unit Fights in Gaza

The IDF published footage of the activities of the Oketz Unit, which accompanies the fighting forces in the Gaza Strip. In Jabalia, the unit's dog Patrick located a terrorist and prevented an encounter with the fighters. In Rimal, during a scan, the dog Toy neutralized the terrorist.

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

The Dogs That Saved The Forces

The Dog that Saved the Forces: "He signaled to me, go back"

During an operation at the Rantisi hospital, Oketz Unit fighters and their dogs located explosives in one of the rooms along with an ammunition depot. In another operation, a dog of the unit located an explosive barrel intended to hit the troops.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 26.11.23