
Lynch in Gush Etzion
A Lynch in Gush Etzion: A Resident was Attacked by Dozens of Terrorists

A lynching of a resident of Gush Etzion who was traveling in the east of the block was attacked by dozens of terrorists who beat him severely and tried to steal his weapon. The resident was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital.

| Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 09.11.23

Lynching Attempt

Terrorists lynched a family; The father returned fire

Arab terrorists placed a large stone barrier on a road near Ma'ale Levona. A family of 6 got caught at the roadblock and was subjected to a lynching attempt by the terrorists. The father returned fire and saved his family

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.10.23

Elisha Yered Breaks His Silence

After two dramatic weeks: Elisha Yered broke his silence

Two weeks after he was arrested and released for lack of evidence after a few days, Elisha Yered breaks his silence and summarizes his experience from the last few days: "The road is still long and full of obstacles, but we will still win, God willing"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 16.08.23

Ben Gvir's Approach to the Lynching

Ben Gvir on the attack in Binyamin: "The shooter should receive The Medal of Valor"

The Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, responds to the lynching incident in Binyamin that ended with shooting at a Palestinian: "My policy is clear. Anyone who defends himself from stone-throwing should get The Medal of Valor. He called on the district chief to investigate the Arabs who participated in the lynching"

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 06.08.23

Saturdays Riot

The detention of the Jews was extended, the Arab rioters were not arrested

The arrest of the Jews suspected of killing the Arab rioter near Burqa was extended by five days, at the same time none of the Arabs who carried out the lynching that started the incident was arrested at all

Eliyau Luksenberg, Srugim News | 06.08.23