
Police, Crime, Mental Health
Mental health at center of case against young man shot by police

Man with known mental Illness charged with aggravated assault, not attempted murder, after being shot by officer during confrontation.

Gila Isaacson | 20.06.24

Israel At War

Indictment Filed Against Citizen Who Impersonated an Officer and Entered Gaza

The impersonator joined IDF forces in the hours following the Hamas attack and even entered the Gaza Strip with the troops; the Shin Bet emphasizes that there was no malicious intent in his actions.

JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

3 ISIS Operatives Arrested

Released for Publication: 3 ISIS Operatives were Arrested in Jerusalem

Three residents of East Jerusalem, ISIS operatives, were arrested by the Shin Bet and the Jerusalem Central District Police. They planned to fly abroad and join ISIS operatives there. A lot of money and books with a murderous ideology were found in their house.

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23


Incitement: An Indictment Against the Actress who Supported Hamas

An indictment will be filed against the actress Maisa Abd Elhadi for incitement, following her postings on her Instagram page supporting Hamas actions. Elhadi was arrested following these posts but was released last week.

JFeed | 29.10.23

Criminal Indictments Against 35 Parents

The Gush Etzion Council filed criminal charges against parents who sent their children to Talmud Torah

The Gush Etzion Council filed criminal indictments against 35 parents who sent their children to private Torah Talmud in Bat Ayin instead of the Council's recognized institutions. Among the defendants is the journalist Zvi Yehezkeli. The council: "the association did not cooperate with us"

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23