
Israel - Gaza War
Watch: Golani Fighters Eliminate Nukhba Terrorists

Golani Brigade forces identified and eliminated several Nukhba terrorists while loading explosive devices onto a vehicle. Watch:

JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

The Dog Sat Down, New Details About the Battle in Shejaiya

The force sent to the operation in Shejaiya prepared for a low-intensity operation, but in practice encountered a force that was waiting for it in a planned ambush with large amounts of ammunition and a fortified tunnel route.

JFeeds Staff | 14.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

"Golani like Golani, charging forward and leaving no one behind"

Golani fighters are waging fierce battles against terrorist infrastructures in the Kasbah of Shejaiya in Gaza, after the difficult event in which nine fighters fell. The division commander said, "The commanders showed courage and composure, they jumped to help and were the first to rescue".

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Israel At War

"I'm out of bullets": The Soldier Recreates the Inferno

Sergeant Shalom Shetrit, a fighter in Golani's 13th Battalion, told about the battle in which he was mortally wounded on October 7: "I lost a lot of blood, I started saying goodbye to my family" | Breathtaking interview.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

"Now We Will Win"

"We Lost Friends Here, Now We Will Win": Golani Fighters in Shejaiya

Golani fighters are returning to fight in Shejaiya - the terrorist stronghold of Hamas, after almost a decade since Operation Protective Edge. Then they lost many fighting friends: "We are here until victory," they promise.

JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

IDF's Victory

Gallant: Terrorists are Surrendering, this is an Expression of the IDF's Victory

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said during a meeting with Golani recruits that there is an increase in recruitment for combat service: "While people are recruiting, Hamas is surrendering, everyone is charging forward, everyone wants to win."

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

After Golani's Picture: The IDF Blew Up the Palestinian Parliament Building

Two days after the photo in which the fighters of Golani's 13th Battalion sit in the Palestinian legislature of Hamas in Gaza with the Israeli flag and the Golani flag, the IDF blew up the building. Watch.

| JFeed | 15.11.23

Israel-Gaza War - Documentation 

Tremendous Firepower: Golani Fighters Set Gaza on Fire - Watch

The Golani and 7th Armored Brigade fighters destroyed many terrorist and targets in the last day, watch the documentation of the fighters' activity in the heart of Gaza.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23

"Surprises for the Enemy"

Chief of Staff to Golani's Commanders: "Preparing Surprises for the Enemy"

The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, arrived at the frontlines in the south and held discussions with the forces in the field. In his conversation with the commanders of the Golani Brigade, he made it clear that all IDF units will be activated.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 21.10.23

Overnight: An Exchange of Fire

During the night: terrorists threw explosives, the forces responded by firing

During the night, IDF forces operated in the northwest of Samaria near the municipality of Yabed, after encountering terrorists who threw explosives at a military position, the forces responded by shooting

JFeed | 28.08.23