Beit She'an

Israeli-Arab tensions, Beit Shean violence
Beit Shean resident: Arab women beat me - it's scary to walk in my neighborhood

Orian Tuito, 27, and a mother of 3, tells Arutz 7 about the violence she suffered from Arab women in the city.

Avi Nachmani | 20.06.24


The Body of Alina Plahti, who was Identified as Missing, was Located

Three weeks after the horrific massacre at the nature party in Re'im, this morning, the family of Alina Plahti from Beit She'an received the notification that her body has been found, after she had been considered missing until now.

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

David Levy in Intensive Care

Former minister David Levy is admitted to intensive care: "his condition is stable"

Former minister David Levy has been hospitalized since yesterday (Wednesday) in the cardiac intensive care unit at Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital. According to the official announcement: "He is fully conscious"

JFeed | 27.07.23