Avraham Fried

A Moving Duet
"Vehi She'amda": Itay Levi and Avraham Fried in a moving duet. Watch

The singers Itay Levi and Avraham Fried joined forces and sang the song "Vehi She'amda" at Rabbi Yoel Pinto's wedding that took place in New York.

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23

"You See the Hatred"

Avraham Fried: "You See the Hatred in the Street, There is Fear"

The Hasidic singer Avraham Fried told about his feelings in light of the anti-Semitism rising in the world: "I don't remember anything like this, you see the hatred and feel it, there are many people who feel that this is the sign to immigrate to Israel."

| Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 13.11.23

Avraham Fried: "He Did It"

Avraham Fried is delighted with the religious singer: "He did it"

Avraham Fried was at Madison Square Garden, and was a part of the moments in which the knitted singer Ishay Ribo made history: "Thank you, dear Ishay, for the privilege of sharing with you moments of God's sanctification"

JFeed | 06.09.23

Fried and Shwekey Perform Together

Fried and Shwekey to Srugim: "We try to unite through singing"

Yaakov Shwekey and Avraham Fried reunited last Thursday evening for a performance and in an interview with Srugim they talk about their feelings following the events in the country "There's nothing like music to bring us together". They also talk about a new album that is on the way

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 06.08.23