
Terror ramming attack, IDF response
Ramming terror attack near Ariel: Terrorist neutralized by soldiers

A Palestinian vehicle accelerated and attempted to run over soldiers while driving against traffic at the Ariel junction. The soldiers responded with gunfire, hitting the attacker inside the vehicle, who was killed. Israel is on its 324th day of conflict.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.08.24

Terror Attack, Ramming, Ariel

Terror attack in Ariel: Car plows against traffic 

39 year-old injured in ramming attack; IDF neutralizes and eliminates two terrorists.

Avi Nachmani | 25.08.24

Likud Supports Hazan

Likud announced: "We will support Oren Hazan for mayor of Ariel"

The Likud movement has officially announced that it will support Oren Hazan in the municipal elections for the position of mayor of Ariel. Hazan, as previously mentioned, was a member of the Knesset for Likud. He expressed gratitude for the endorsement, saying: "The ruling party supports us and joins the revolution we will lead in the city"

Eliyau Luksenberg, Srugim News | 16.08.23