Amichai Eliyahu

Israel-Gaza War, "Consider Your Words"
Consider Your Words: Netanyahu's Unusual Request to the Ministers

After ministers Avi Dichter and Amichai Eliyahu caused a stir, the prime minister asked the members of the government not to express themselves in a way that could harm Israel's explanation: "And if you don't know - don't say it."

| JFeed | 12.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, News

Saudi Arabia Against Minister Eliyahu: Indicates the Cruelty in the Government

Saudi Arabia vehemently criticized the remarks of Minister Amichai Eliyahu, who claimed that dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza is a possible scenario. According to the Saudis, these statements reflect the extremism in the Israeli government.

JFeed | 05.11.23

History in Judea and Samaria

CEO of the Ministry of Heritage: "A historic plan for Judea and Samaria."

A new government program that was recently approved aims to preserve the Jewish antiquities and history throughout Judea and Samaria. The CEO of the Ministry of Heritage, Netanel Izak, said: "Discoveries are being hidden."

Benzi Rubin, Srugim News | 25.07.23