Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff

Iran launched Noor-3 Satellite
A message to the West? Iran successfully launched a satellite into space

Iran launched the Noor 3 satellite into space. The launch was carried out from the space center in the city of Shahrud, last year the rocket was used to launch Noor 2

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Windows 11 New Update

Windows 11 changed its face with a new update

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Beit Orot Yeshiva

The Mount of Olives Ridge Jewish Communal Development Foundation petitioned the court to remove the Beit Orot yeshiva

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

The Jewish Wars

The Jewish wars: the senior rabbi against the Shas party

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23
The Sdarot website is back in action but with a huge change

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

The Dollar Continues to Rise

Against the backdrop of the Knesset Speaker's speech: the dollar continues to rise

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

Elon Musk VS ADL

Threatening to sue: Elon Musk is fighting against the Jewish organization

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

Enlisting Haredim

How many Haredim have enlisted: a tweet battle between the CEO and the reporter

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

A Backpack Based on AI

Microsoft is planning: a backpack based on artificial intelligence

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

The Dollar Reacts

On the way to a compromise: the dollar reacts to the contacts between the parties

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

Oslo Accords Protocols Exposed

Serious security problems: the protocols of the Oslo Accords are exposed

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 30.08.23

ChatGPT's Business Version

Starting to earn: ChatGPT Business version has been launched

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 29.08.23

WhatsApp's New Upgrades

The time has come: WhatsApp is launching an upgrade you've been waiting for

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 28.08.23

Bnei Brak: The Candidate Moved to the City

News for the residents of Bnei Brak: the candidate moved to the city

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 24.08.23

Phishing Attempts Identified

Warning to internet surfers: phishing attempts on government websites

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 24.08.23

Appointment of a Commander for Galatz

A conditional order for Gallant: why don't you appoint a commander for Galei Zahal

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 24.08.23
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