Appointment of a Commander for Galatz

A conditional order for Gallant: why don't you appoint a commander for Galei Zahal

After repeated temporary appointments of the command of the military radio station, the court ordered Yoav Gallant to provide an explanation for the delay in making a permanent appointment to the station's commander position

Minister of Defense (Photo: Elad Malka)

A saga of appointing a permanent commander at Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio Station). Following the petition of 'Success - Promoting a Just Society,' the Supreme Court issued an order today with conditions that stipulate that the Minister of Defense, Gallant, must provide an explanation within two months as to why a permanent commander has not been appointed to the IDF Radio Station.

The appointment of a Galatz commander has been delayed for several years, this after the end of the position of the previous commander - Shimon Elkabetz. First, the Minister of Defense at the time - Benny Gantz, appointed the media person Galit Altstein to a temporary appointment, and a search committee was established to find a permanent commander for the station. The committee recommended on the appointment of the manager of radio station 103 at that time - Or Tselkovnik, however the legal adviser to the government did not approve the appointment that was proposed during the election period.

After the establishment of the right-wing government, Gallant ignored the search notice, and the current Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant appointed the media person Danny Zaken as temporary commander of the station, and today, as mentioned, the High Court of Justice ruled that Gallant must give an explanation as to why he is delaying the appointment of a permanent commander for the military station.

Galatz refused to respond to the news.


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Polls, Politics

New poll: Likud back on top

Netanyahu's Likud has retaken the lead over Gantz's State Camp as the largest party, and even slightly narrowed the gap between the two blocs. Can either camp get a majority?

Avi Woolf | 06.09.24

Polls, Politics

New Poll: Gantz retakes lead over Netanyahu as largest party

Netanyahu's coalition also shrinks to 51 as Gantz gets 59 seats (without Ra'am).

Avi Woolf | 05.09.24

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

"We need to put an end to it": Gallant addresses escalating terrorism in Judea and Samaria

The Defense Minister conducted a situational assessment in Judea and Samaria, where he insisted in ending the terrorist escalation "with full force." He said that "we are mowing the grass, the time will come that we will remove the roots - this we must do."

JFeed Staff | 04.09.24

Gantz, Ben Gvir

From an unlikely source: Gantz gives us all much-needed mussar

Gantz addressed his handshake with Ben-Gvir, which was documented during Babchik's son's wedding.

Gila Isaacson | 04.09.24

IDF, Budget Cuts to Yeshivas

Yeshiva world in crisis: Gedolim heading to the U.S. for huge fundraising drive

The gedolim are seeking overseas support as court rulings and policy shifts threaten yeshiva funding.

Gila Isaacson | 04.09.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

"The reality speaks for itself": Netanyahu responds to Gantz's press conference

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to State Camp leader Benny Gantz's press conference tonight, where he sharply criticized Netanyahu's conduct of the war.

Avi Woolf | 03.09.24

Benny Gantz, Press Conference

Gantz's press conference: "Philadelphi Corridor not an existential threat" 

National Unity leader urges elections, challenges PM's fear-based rhetoric.

Avi Nachmani | 03.09.24

Terror Attack 

For the 3rd time in 3 days: Car bomb threat in the West Bank

Security forces successfully defused potential car bomb at settlement entrance, marking the third such incident in three days. Officials call for expanded military operations in response to escalating threat.

| Gila Isaacson | 02.09.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Smotrich on Gallant's call to reverse on Philadelphi to ensure hostage deal: "The cabinet will not approve a surrender deal"

The Finance Minister and cabinet member said that the cabinet would instead instruct the IDF and security forces to "exact heavy costs from Hamas."

Avi Woolf | 01.09.24

Gallant reaction to murdered hostages, Philadelphi corridor 

Gallant: The Cabinet Must Revoke the Decision on the Philadelphi Route

In the wake of the recovery of the kidnapped victims' bodies, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is calling on the Cabinet to reverse its decision regarding the Philadelphi Route and to prioritize the hostages. "It is too late for those hostages who were murdered in cold blood; we must bring back those who remain."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 01.09.24

Politics, Polls

New Channel 14 Poll: Likud hits 30 seats

If the election were held today, Netanyahu's camp would get 58, Gantz's 57, and Hadash-Ta'al 5.

Avi Woolf | 30.08.24

Yoav Gallant, Israel at War, North Border 

Gallant: "Include the Return of Northern Residents to Their Homes in War Objectives"

In a special discussion, the Defense Minister addressed the return of northern residents to their homes and noted that the war objectives should be expanded to include this goal. Netanyahu's associates: "It's self-evident; the Prime Minister has stated this many times."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.08.24