Tourism, North Israel

The safest place in North Israel

With Israel's tourism in an all time low due to the war, here is a place that remains still amid all the chaos and how it has survived till now. 

North Israel ( Photo: Michael Giladi/Flash90 )

The serene north:

We have arrived in this picturesque region ideal for relaxation. Nestled among the hills of Lower Galilee, the Mishgav area exudes a strong sense of community, spiritual essence, and the essence of a tranquil environment—a place perfect for rejuvenation with positive vibes. Our journey led us in search of peace and detachment, to what is essentially the northernmost accessible location today. Winding paths act as clear guides for those navigating towards Mishgav, passing through settlements with mysterious names, amidst a land abundant with lush green landscapes, forests, and agriculture, and offering breathtaking panoramic vistas from elevated viewpoints. The topographical diversity enriches the human experience in this area, where residents initiate, work, create, and expand their horizons.

Yodfat, the area's inaugural settlement, exemplifies this growth driven by entrepreneurial spirit, having started from scratch. The "Bo'ach Yodfat" complex stands as another link in the chain, born out of the necessity for a hub of leisure, expression, and tourism. Michal Azroni, the complex's manager and one of Yodfat's original residents, highlights that most enterprises were established by women, fostering a warm, familial atmosphere and providing a diverse and distinctive range of offerings that inspire and welcome. Azroni oversees a store featuring local agricultural products alongside a boutique offering clothing, gifts, ceramics, bread, and even an ice cream cart from Kibbutz Urim. On July 12th, the compound will host the "Queen's Market Friday Fair," featuring local businesses, music, and a vibrant ambiance from 9:00 to 15:00.

Israel Northern border The Galilee Israel at war Tourism Lebanon


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