Israel-Gaza War, Hamas, Hostages, Opinion

Has Bella Hadid gone crazy? 

Bella Hadid glorified Hamas for making a birthday cake for an Israeli hostage that they kidnapped and tortured.

Released hostages Andrey Kozlov and Almog Meir arrive at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, June 8, 2024. (Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.

On October 7th, 2023 (Simchat Torah), Hamas launched an unexpected attack on Israel, viciously murdering and mutilating as many Israelis as it could. Those who were not slaughtered were kidnapped to Gaza. Many of the Israeli hostages have since been murdered in captivity. Only a scant few have been rescued by the IDF. 116 people still remain hostage in Gaza.

One of the people kidnapped to Gaza from the Nova music festival and held hostage in brutal and sub-human conditions, a victim of cruel psychological torment and physical abuse, was Almog Jan Meir.

Meir was rescued by the IDF in an unbelievable movie-like rescue just last week (June 8, 2024). Upon his rescue, doctors discovered that he was suffering from malnutrition, had been beaten and kept handcuffed for 4 months. Some things that happened to him in captivity were so horrific that he won't talk about them.

But Bella Hadid decided to post to her Instagram account that Meir had received a birthday cake from his 'kind' Hamas captors. Hadid, with a massive social media following, has been a very vocal critic of Israel, bemoaning the suffering in Gaza and never having any comment whatsoever about Israeli victims of the conflict. It beggars belief that she praises a barbaric regime which does not even value the lives of its own people and unleashes ruin and devastation everywhere it goes.

Israel-Gaza war Hamas Hostages Bella Hadid


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