
Netanyahu, Where is the Leadership You Showed Against Obama?

Netanyahu forgot his steadfastness against Obama in the past, when he proved that Israel is not another American colony where it's customary to sing "the King Said." Now, with Biden's bear hug, Netanyahu dances to the sounds of the American flute, and it may harm only us.

Netanyahu and Obama (Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash 90)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu displays in the current war that he cannot take responsibility for what happened in the south. However, alongside this, he reveals another weakness: this time, he is unable to make tough decisions without the support of America.

As reported during the week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke with the President of Russia and stated that the war will not end until Israel "neutralizes the military and administrative capabilities of Hamas." Meanwhile, 11 days of fighting have passed, and as it appears now, there are no significant achievements. The buildings that the IDF has destroyed can be rebuilt, senior leaders who have been assassinated have already had successors waiting for the post-war period. As soccer players say, "We live from round to round."

Love sometimes also ends in divorce

You need to open the archive to remind him that while serving as the opposition leader sometime in the 2009 election campaign, he told the Israeli public that he would topple the Hamas regime. Since then, there have been love-hate relationships between the parties, even sharing some shekels in suitcases. And, as in legends that spread too much love, in the end, divorce comes.

Meanwhile, the current war appears to be another round without decisive moves. Yesterday, it was reported on the 'Walla' website that the ground offensive would be postponed to an unknown date. However, senior IDF officials cautioned that this is a mistaken perception and that it allows Hamas to prepare for it.

Almost a decade ago, during an interview on the "Eretz Nehederet" television show, the Prime Minister was asked how he would like to be remembered. He replied, "Guardian of Israel's security." In return we received a disaster on an apocalyptic scale.

The bear hug Netanyahu receives from Biden will essentially serve as an excuse for why he didn't decide to escalate the fighting. After all, he needs to listen to the Americans, he will say. In a moment, Blinken will gnash his teeth at the sights in Gaza, and a few Democratic members of Congress will embark on a vigorous campaign against Gaza's destruction. A move that will cause the American president to panic. After all, no one wants to lose the elections, and the price will be at our expense.

Today, in his meeting with Biden, he declared that the diverse world needs to unite to defeat Hamas. This aligns with the American President's entry into the corridors of the war cabinet. Netanyahu is proving that he is still deeply rooted in the Jewish diaspora, which desperately needs a landowner to open the gates for him. Perhaps it is worth reminding him of the meetings with Obama, where he demonstrated his leadership by standing firm against the unrealistic pro-Palestinian demands of the former Democratic President.

The Jew has not yet freed himself from the landowner, Netanyahu and Biden (Photo: Haim Tzach/GPO)

Netanyahu, make it clear where you are headed

I don't want to delve into his mind, there is no jealousy in me towards the Prime Minister. Responsibility now carries great weight. However, he must address the public and clarify our direction. There is no need to reveal the plans, so the enemy won't be exposed, despite the fact that we've seen that Israeli intelligence hasn't excelled in this in the past two weeks.

Netanyahu, if you are able to continue the battle with all your might, prove to the people in Israel, not in America, that this time your face is toward a significant change in the Gaza Strip. The future of the country is more important to young Israelis than to the Palestinian supporters from the Democratic Party that Biden depends on.

Benjamin Netanyahu Barack Obama Joe Biden Israel at war


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