Yoseph Haddad, Ben Shapiro

Yoseph Haddad Unveils Truths on Israel's Diversity and Unity in Candid Ben Shapiro Interview

In a recent interview on "The Ben Shapiro Show" at The Daily Wire, Yoseph Haddad provided a unique perspective on the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. Watch:

Yoseph Haddad in Ben Shapiro Interview (Photo: Screenshot from the video, @-yosephhaddad9088, YouTube)

In a recent interview on "The Ben Shapiro Show" at The Daily Wire, Yoseph Haddad provided a unique perspective on the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. Haddad emphasized the diversity within the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), with Christian, Muslim, Druze, and Jewish soldiers standing united for the cause of freedom. He highlighted the significant contributions of Arab citizens, supporting the IDF and the southern region of the country.

Addressing the allegations of apartheid and repression, Haddad debunked such claims, pointing out that Arabs in Israel are full citizens engaged in various professions, including 30% of the doctors and 50% of the pharmacists in the country. He gave the example of his own integration, serving as an Arab commander over Jewish soldiers in the IDF.

Ben Shapiro probed Haddad on the feedback he has received for sharing these perspectives, and Haddad acknowledged facing threats and hate messages. Despite the challenges, Haddad expressed resilience, noting that the attempts to silence him only strengthened his resolve. He sees his role as exposing the truth and realities from the viewpoint of an Arab living in Israel, challenging false narratives surrounding the conflict.


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The Ben Shapiro Show Yoseph Haddad The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro Israel at war IDF Israeli Arabs Arab World Christians Muslims Druze Jewes Bedouins Interview


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