Israel At War

Arab reports: Significant Attacks in Syria on Saturday

According to several Arab reports, the IDF carried out several attacks during Shabbat in Syrian territory against smuggling routes between Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

Cityscape of Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: Anton_Ivanov, Shutterstock)

According to reports from the Syrian opposition and press bodies in Arab countries, Israel attacked during Shabbat in at least two different arenas inside Syria. According to the publications, an international airport in the city of Aleppo was attacked, in addition to an attack on the Iraqi border against Iranian weapons convoys.

The Syrian opposition and Iraqi sources report two significant Israeli attacks inside Syrian territory, according to the report of the opposition websites Israeli planes attacked the international airport during the last hours, according to the report Israeli aircraft carried out attacks on the territory of the international airport in the city of Aleppo, which previously linked to the Iranian-Syrian smuggling axis, and was the focus of several reports of its use by Iranian forces and Shiite militias.

In addition, Iraqi news sources reported an Israeli attack during the night in the Al-Bukamal area in Syria, close to the border with Iraq and on the axis of arms smuggling from Iran to Lebanon. According to the reports, "unidentified" warplanes hit a convoy of eight trucks - and at least four of them were destroyed. In addition, it was reported that the aircraft attacked a cluster of buildings in a place used by Iranian forces and that 19 "pro-Iranian fighters" were killed in the attacks.

Operation Swords of Iron Israel at war Syria Al-Bukamal Aleppo Lebanon Iran Iraq Attack in Syria Hezbollah Militias air strike Israel


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