The Information War: The President of the State, Isaac Herzog, was interviewed this morning (Thursday) by the British Daily Mail and criticized the way the British news corporation, the BBC, covers the war, as it refuses to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.
In the interview, Herzog stated, "In my view, the BBC's reporting is shocking. The fact that the channel does not recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization requires a legal and public battle. This is unacceptable."
"What other kinds of atrocities do they want to see before they acknowledge it's a terrorist organization?" Herzog wondered. "I've seen severed heads, horrifying images, children who were shot, and painful stories of entire families wiped off the face of the earth. What more do they need to admit that we are dealing with the worst terrorist organization in the world?"
Last week, the British newspaper "The Daily Graph" devoted its front page to the horrors committed by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip periphery communities. In a statement published at the top of the page, it was written: "This is the most difficult image we have ever published. As we write this, our hands are trembling. But we need each and every one of you to know. This happened." The harrowing image, showing an infant who was killed in the heinous attack, appears on the inner pages of the newspaper.