
30 kidnapped by the Islamic Jihad, many more by Hamas

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad claims that the organization holds about 30 captives, while Hamas holds many more, and the numbers are expected to increase further

Illustration (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad, Ziyad Nakhaleh, said this evening (Sunday) that the number of Israeli captives is estimated in the tens and is expected to increase significantly. The Islamic Jihad alone holds 30 captives.

The current estimate is that there are more than 700 casualties, including civilians, soldiers, and security personnel. This afternoon, the Ministry of Health reported that 2,156 injured individuals have been admitted to hospitals, including 20 in critical condition, 338 in serious condition, 421 in moderate condition, 1,052 with mild injuries, 49 with anxiety-related injuries, and 167 under medical evaluation.

In addition to these numbers, there are approximately 150 more individuals who are held captive by Hamas, including some bodies of soldiers, but also living soldiers who have been transferred to the Gaza Strip. Among the captives, there are also civilians, women, and children.

Islamic Jihad hostages Hamas war in the south


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