Against the background of the debate surrounding the petition against the amendment of the Palestine Law, the activists of the right-wing organization 'Im Tirtzu' held a protest performance today (Thursday) in which they presented ballots with the slogan: "The Supreme Court destroys democracy"
The activists of the organization held a protest vigil against the occupation of the High Court of Justice judges in the amendment to the Basic Law of the Government dealing with incapacity. They arrived at Agranat Square with polling stations inside which were shredded party slips with the words "High Court Invalid".
The purpose of the discussion is to preserve the power of the legal adviser to the government
Matan Peleg, the chairman of the Im Tirtzu movement in Agranat Square, explained: "The fact that the High Court judges did not blink twice and decided to hold the debate on the Basic Law is an extreme violation of the voter's decision and an unforgivable violation of the balance between the authorities. High Court judges are not allowed to interfere with basic laws, Certainly not in the question of Incapacity. The thought arises that the very purpose of the discussion is to deter an elected prime minister and preserve the power in the hands of the legal adviser to the government, a power she has no authority in law to use."
According to him: "We saw this week how the High Court tramples on the values of Judaism and discriminates between Jews and Arabs in separate events in Tel Aviv, now the High Court also tramples on the only thing a free citizen has: a voice in the elections. The dictatorship of the High Court will collapse, even if it takes a few more months or years. The people will not let 15 legal oligarchs cancel their vote at the ballot box!"
Earlier, Justice Minister Yariv Levin harshly attacked the very discussion and the judicial system's handling of the issue: "The discussion that is taking place today in court is, in fact, a discussion on the annulment of the election results. No other washed-up name will hide this simple truth."