A serious incident occurred near Beit Shemesh when a full bus carrying children overturned. There are several injured individuals at the scene, and the cause of the overturning has not yet been determined.
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics and EMTs who were called to the scene provided medical treatment and evacuated seven injured individuals to the hospital, including one in serious condition, two in moderate condition, and four in mild condition.
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic Oshri Edri and MDA EMTs Yishai Glik and Shmuel Pashkus stated, "We arrived quickly at the scene and saw the bus overturned on its side in a wadi near the road. Fifteen passengers, children aged 8 to 12, all exited the bus in full consciousness, and the bus driver also assisted in getting them out."
They added, "We conducted an initial assessment of the bus passengers, and two of the children suffered severe injuries. One had a severe systemic injury, and the other had an abdominal injury. We provided life-saving treatment for them and quickly evacuated them to the hospital in critical condition. In the trauma room, one of them was intubated and ventilated."
From the Israel Police, it was reported that police forces at the scene closed off the accident site to facilitate the treatment of the injured, and traffic accident investigators began examining the circumstances.
Bus Drivers Organization: "Without proper qualifications, such incidents will repeat themselves"
The Bus Drivers Organization from the National Federation commented on the accident and stated, "This is a severe incident in which dozens of people were injured, including children. It is still too early to determine the exact circumstances of the serious accident, but it is clear that without providing proper qualifications to bus drivers, regulating driving hours and breaks according to European regulations in the industry, ensuring the drivers' fitness, and maintaining the safety of the buses, such difficult situations will recur. We must immediately adopt the Bus Drivers Organization's training program. The safety of passengers and drivers is paramount."