Kim Jong Un Will Meet with Putin

Towards a meeting with Putin: Kim Jong Un arrived in Russia

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in the Russian city of Vladivostok by train, where he will meet with President Vladimir Putin. This marks Kim's first visit outside North Korea since 2019


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived today (Tuesday) in the Russian city of Vladivostok, located in eastern Russia, for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Kim traveled to Russia on a specially armored train that made its way from Pyongyang. According to reports, the decision to travel by train was made due to Kim's fear of flying.

In the footage posted on social media, Kim can be seen disembarking from the train in Vladivostok, where he was received by Russian soldiers and a military band. Later this evening, Kim is expected to meet with Putin as well as other senior Russian officials. According to estimations, they are likely to discuss a potential arms deal between Russia and North Korea.

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State visits are considered rare events for Kim Jong Un, who tends to stay in his isolated country most of the time. The last time Kim ventured out of North Korea was in 2019, when the North Korean leader also met with Putin in Vladivostok. The previous meeting between the two leaders took place against the backdrop of the breakdown in North Korea's talks with then-U.S. President Donald Trump, who met with Kim for the first time with the aim of advancing a deal for denuclearization.

Vladimir Putin North Korea Kim Jong Un Russia


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