56 Are Out Of Reach

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 56 disconnected Israelis in Morocco

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates, following the earthquake in Morocco, that tomorrow, a delegation on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will leave for Morocco, There are 468 Israeli visa holders in Morocco of which 56 are cut off

(Photo: Eric Marmor, Flash 90.)

Tomorrow morning (Sunday - Israel) a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will fly to Morocco to reinforce the Israeli Embassy in Rabat. The delegation includes representatives from the consular section and its administration, with the aim of helping Israelis return to Israel following the severe earthquake that struck Marrakesh last night. At Sabbath's exit in Israel, the situation center at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received inquiries about Israeli citizens who are in Morocco. According to the information that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has, as of this time, there are 468 Israeli citizens in Morocco, of which 56 have lost contact.

Morocco Ministry of Foreign Affairs Earthquake


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