Following Justice Minister Yariv Levin's request, the Legal Advisor to the Government, Gali Baharav-Miara, informed him that due to the emerging differences in their positions regarding appeals against the law to narrow the Clause of Reasonability, the government could seek separate representation in these appeals rather than relying on the Attorney General's representation.
Baharav-Miara's decision follows her stance on narrowing the Clause of Reasonability. According to her opinion, the High Court of Justice should annul the amendment to the Basic Law due to its being "unconstitutional," in her wording. Levin, on the other hand, believes that the High Court of Justice should not intervene in the Knesset's authority to legislate basic laws. It was further conveyed from the Attorney General's office that her decision is based on the fact that this is an unusual event, given the fact that the petitions deal with precedential and particularly sensitive constitutional issues.
The hearing against reducing the amendment to the law will be on September 12, in the presence of all 15 supreme judges, for the first time in history.