An Officer Indicted

Drug trafficking and grenades: an indictment was filed against an officer

An indictment was filed against an IDF officer for crimes of drug trafficking and removing weapons from the military authority. According to the indictment, the suspect received a payment of 100,000 NIS for selling drugs, and seven grenades were found in his home

(Photo: Yonatan Sindel, Flash 90)

Yesterday (Wednesday), the military prosecution filed an indictment against a sergeant-ranked officer, accused of drug trafficking and removing weapons from the military authority. According to an IDF spokesperson, the officer was arrested about a month ago and remained in custody throughout the investigation until the indictment was filed.

According to the indictment, the officer sold cocaine on three occasions to agents of the military police, over a period of about two and a half months. In exchange for the drugs, the officer received around 100,000 shekels. It was also reported that seven military-grade grenades were found in his home.

With the filing of the indictment, the military prosecution requested that the military court order the officer's arrest until the completion of the legal proceedings against him. At this stage, the remand has been extended until August 8th.

Drugs, archive (Photo: IDF spokesperson)

As a reminder, about a month ago, a prison guard was arrested at the Dekel Prison on drug trafficking charges, when detectives from the Israel Police's National Unit for Investigating Prison Guards in Lahav 433 launched an investigation into suspicions of drug sales to prisoners at Dekel Prison for several months. The investigation was initiated following Information Security Officers' proactive activities in the Intelligence Division of the Israel Prison Service regarding suspicions of drug sales to prisoners at Dekel Prison over a period of several months.

The investigation led to a gaurd in the prison, and it was revealed that the suspect sold drugs and mobile phones to prisoners on several occasions in exchange for money. It was further revealed that during a search at the suspect's home in Kisra Village, substances suspected to be various types of drugs were found: approximately 500 grams of hashish and 66 pink-colored pills, along with another substance suspected to be a drug. The 35-year-old suspect from Kisra was arrested and taken for questioning at the unit's offices. Upon its completion, he was released under restrictive conditions, including a 5-day house arrest.

Weapons Drugs Officer


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