Politics, United States

Trump maintains narrow lead and massive enthusiasm gap in post-debate poll

A USA Today/Suffolk poll shows Donald Trump leading President Biden by three points, but with a nearly thirty digit gap in terms of voter enthusiasm.

Donald Trump. (Photo: Jonah Elkowitz/Shutterstock)

A new USA Today/Suffolk poll released today (Tuesday) shows Donald Trump maintaining a small lead over President Biden, 41-38, as November elections approach.

While this narrow gap is consistent with polls before and after the debate, the poll also asked voters about their enthusiasm to vote for their preferred candidate.

Here, Trump enjoys a major advantage, as 59% of Trump voters are "very enthusiastic" about voting for their candidate compared to just 30% of Biden voters.

While 31% said they were "somewhat excited" to vote for Biden compared to 23% for Trump, that still leaves 82% of Trump voters "very" or "somewhat" excited to vote for Trump compared to just 61% who say the same for Biden.

Meanwhile, 37% of Biden voters said they were "not very excited" or "not at all excited" to vote for him. Only 17% of Trump voters said the same.

Donald Trump Joe Biden 2024 Elections


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