US Elections, Biden, Trump

Family stands firm: Biden must continue in race to beat Trump

Biden's family urged him at Camp David to resist the pressure placed on him following his failed performance in his debate with Trump.

US President Joe Biden (Photo: Oscar Ivan Lopez/ Shutterstock)

The family of the President of the United States Joe Biden is urging him to stay in the race despite his terrible performance in last week's debate with his Republican opponent Donald Trump - according to Walla.

At the same time, senior Democratic Party officials and donors expressed outrage at the way his team prepared him for last Thursday's showdown.

Yesterday (Sunday), the presidential family gathered at Camp David, for a pre-planned photo session ahead of the Democratic Party convention next month, where the president is supposed to officially receive the nomination.

Despite this, according to reports the political fate of the 81-year-old Biden came up in a conversation with his family members who continued to express their support for him.

US Election 2024 Joe Biden


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