Israel Gaza war, China-Hamas ties

China's 'surprising' role in the Israel-Hamas war

Recent evidence uncovers Chinas true role in the Israel war against Hamas in Gaza, with new secrets unveiled as to the nations involvement.

The flags of Israel, China, and terror organisation Hamas (photo: hapelinium/shutterstock)

New evidence reveals Chinese technology being used by Hamas in Rafah Anti-Tank Missile Attack.

As Hamas showcases a complex assault using a high-tech Chinese missile on Israeli armoured vehicles in Rafah, Western analysts expose the missile's source. Uncovering 'not so' shocking results as to Chinas ties to Hamas.

According to the Israel Defence outlet, Hamas published a video demonstrating the use of a Chinese-designed HJ-8L "Red Arrow" anti-tank guided missile to attack an Israeli armoured combat vehicle (ACV.) The video showed that the Nammerha, an IDF engineering vehicle, was hit by the missile during the fighting in Rafah, resulting in multiple casualties of Israeli soldiers at the hands of Chinese weapons.

The video depicts the missile striking the ACV's side, with a fire truck then coming to the Nammerha and putting out the fire with sand. The HJ-8L missile, also called the "Red Arrow," is a Chinese-produced anti-tank missile created to eliminate well-armoured targets. Such military aid on Chinas part reveals their clear choice in sides of the Israel-Hamas war and the consequences of such involvement.

Along with this, a separate report from site X revealed that China also played a major role in the construction of the tunnel network in Gaza. As the IDF recently made the shocking discovery of 2 Chinese tunnel engineers during their operation in Gaza, both men hailed from the China's People's Liberation Army.

This leads to the horrific conclusion that China, along with supplying Hamas with deadly weapons to harm IDF forces, they also have significantly been a part of the terror tunnel development hiding under the Gaza strip.

Israel Israel-Gaza war China Hamas Weapons Gaza


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