Antisemitism, German Citizenship

Wonderful news: new German citizenship law requires declaration of Israel's right to exist

In a massive step forward against Anti-Semitism, Germany has made amendments to those who wish to obtain a German passport in order to protect Jewish rights in Germany. 

Germany and Israel flags (photo: esfera/shutterstock)

Berlin has implemented a new citizenship law mandating that applicants affirm Israel's right to exist, alongside questions addressing antisemitism and Jewish life in Germany. The Interior Minister highlighted these additions amidst an 83% rise in hate incidents reported to the government's antisemitism combating agency.

The policy aims to ensure alignment with German 'values,' officials state. Prospective German citizens are now required to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

Germany has reaffirmed its strong support for Israel and intensified efforts against antisemitism since October. The new measures reflect Berlin's commitment to supporting Israel.

Furthermore, Berlin has recently eased stringent citizenship laws, reducing the time required for eligibility and allowing for dual nationality.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser emphasized on Tuesday, as the law came into effect, "Anyone who shares our values and makes an effort can now obtain German citizenship more quickly, without needing to relinquish their previous nationality."

"However," she added, "we have also made it unequivocal: those who do not share our values cannot obtain German citizenship. We have drawn a clear line and significantly tightened the law compared to before."

Germany Israel Antisemitism Jews Jewish community


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