Israel-Gaza War, Iran, US Army

CNN: 3 US Soldiers Killed and Over Two Dozen Wounded in Drone Attack in Jordan

These are the first US soldiers to be killed during the Gaza War, after over 150 attacks by Iran-backed forces injured but did not kill US forces spread throughout the Middle East.

Iranian suicide drone. Illustration. (Photo: Tasnim News Agency, CC BY 4.0)

According to sources speaking with CNN, three US soldiers were killed and over two dozen wounded in a one-way drone attack on an outpost in Jordan, the first time US soldiers have been killed by Iran-backed forces striking US bases since the war began.

According to the report, Iran-backed forces have been striking US bases with drones, rockets and missiles at least 158 times but had thus far caused physical damage or injuries at most.

Whether or not this last incident will lead to further escalation in the region remains to be seen, as the Biden administration has repeatedly expressed its desire to avoid a wider war.

Iran US Army Jordan Operation Swords of Iron


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