This morning (Monday), it was reported that he is still sedated and on a ventilator. According to the Hadassah Medical Center, the condition of the 45-year-old zookeeper from the Biblical Zoo, who was attacked by a crocodile, remains critical.
Yesterday (Sunday), after being transported to the trauma unit at Hadassah Ein Kerem in serious condition and stabilizing, the injured man was rushed to the operating room. A multidisciplinary team of anesthesiologists, surgeons, oral and maxillofacial specialists, orthopedists, and plastic surgeons performed the surgery, which lasted over nine hours. This morning, he remains sedated and is being treated in the intensive care unit.
It was reported yesterday that a worker at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem was in serious condition after being attacked by a crocodile during work. A security guard shot the crocodile, which is believed to have saved the worker’s life.
The incident began when the police received a report of gunfire at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem, and forces from the Jerusalem district were dispatched. Concurrently, another report indicated that a zoo worker had been bitten by a crocodile in the crocodile enclosure. It later became clear that a security guard, who witnessed the incident and feared for the worker’s life, had shot the crocodile, likely saving the worker's life.