Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Unbelievable 360°turn — Senior IDF officials are in favor of a ceasefire!

They believe a ceasefire is Israel's best course of action currently, even if it means that Hamas stays in power. 

IDF soldiers during an operation (Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

In a stunning twist that could reshape the landscape of the Middle East conflict, Israel's top military commanders are reportedly advocating for the unthinkable: a ceasefire with Hamas.

This bombshell revelation, first reported by The New York Times, signals a seismic shift in strategy that puts the generals at odds with their political masters and challenges the very core of Israel's stated war aims.

As the conflict in Gaza grinds through its tenth grueling month, the whispers of dissent from within Israel's vaunted military establishment have grown to a roar. Six current and former security officials paint a picture of an army stretched to its limits, grappling with the specter of an "eternal war" that threatens to erode its fighting capacity and leave it vulnerable on multiple fronts, per Kann News.

The calculus is as stark as it is controversial: leave Hamas temporarily in power, these commanders argue, in exchange for the safe return of hostages and a crucial window to regroup. It's a pragmatic stance that flies in the face of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's unwavering commitment to Hamas' destruction, setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown between Israel's political and military leadership.

As the dust settles from this internal explosion, one question looms large: In the chess game of Middle East politics, who will make the next move?

Israel-Gaza war IDF Hamas Hostages Lebanon Hezbollah Binyamin Netanyahu


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a 360 degree turn = no net change of direction. I think you meant 180.
jbzg 02.07.24

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