Iran, Israel-Hezbollah war, Lebanon

Iran threats: "We plan to send missiles to Israel once more"

Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, who leads the Aerospace Division of Iran's IRGC, spoke yesterday (Monday) during a meeting with relatives of Hamas terrorists killed in Gaza due to Israeli airstrikes.

Iranian missiles prepared to launch (photo: saeediex/shutterstock)

During the meeting the commander stated that the Iran would "Ensure to alter the trajectory of both regional and global history."

Hajizadeh promised that the Islamic Republic would persist in its support for Hamas and other terror operations in Gaza with unwavering dedication.

The commander also stated that Iran has the ability to launch new, immediate military strikes against the Israeli government.

Hajizadeh expressed optimism about the potential arrival of the chance to 'carry out Operation True Promise 2,' yet another military threat against Israel.

Iran conducted an extensive attack, known as Operation True Promise, by deploying numerous drones and missiles towards the occupied territories on the night of April 13. This was in retaliation for the Israeli targeted airstrikes in the Syrian capital weeks prior, eliminating multiple terror individuals.

The bombing by Israel on Iran's embassy compound in Damascus resulted in the deaths of two Quds Force commanders from the IRGC, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, along with five of their supporting officers.

The pointed comment was delivered at a gathering in Tehran. Iranian Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Revolutionary Guards Air Force, issued a warning to Israel of a potential large-scale missile strike, as reported by DPA and cited by BTA.

As per state media reports, he delivered his tough remarks during a gathering in Tehran yesterday.

A couple of months back, Iran and Israel were close to a significant regional conflict. The Revolutionary Guard launched numerous drones and rockets towards Israel on April 13, as reported by DPA. Hajizadeh has expressed his hope for the chance of carrying out another operation like the first one. "I am uncertain about the number of missiles required," he mentioned.

The danger likely stems from recent tensions between Israel and Lebanon.

During the weekend, Iran's UN delegation warned of a potential "devastating conflict" if tensions between Israel and "Hezbollah" escalate. Following the beginning of the Gaza war, the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Islamic Republic of Iran significantly intensified. The Jewish state is facing multiple challenges as it is targeted by militias supported by Iran as well as multiple terror organisations.

Following the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Republic viewed the US and Israel as their sworn enemies. DPA remembers that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously referred to Iran as "his main adversary."

The Islamic regime and Hezbollaah is confident in achieving a 'certain' victory.

Hamas Operation Swords of Iron Iran Iran attack Hezbollah Rockets Israel at war


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