Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF blows up Islamic Jihad rocket factory

IDF combat soldiers and combat engineers raided a large PIJ base and rocket manufacturing site and blew it up. Watch:

Exploding the explosives. (Screenshot from IDF footage.)

IDF forces located the largest Palestinian Islamic Jihad site for producing rockets and rocket parts in the Tel Sultan neighborhood in Rafah, which PIJ used to manufacture hundreds of rockets over the course of years.

During the raid on the site, IDF forces including the Commando Brigade, the 401st Brigade, and the Yahalom combat engineering unit under the 162nd Division fought and killed terrorists above and below ground.

Then they rigged it to explode, damaging the PIJ's ability to threaten IDF forces and Israeli territory with rockets.


Exploding the explosives. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)
Operation Swords of Iron Palestinian Islamic Jihad IDF Rafah


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