IDF, soldier publication

IDF releases name of another fallen soldier in Gaza 

Fallen soldier who was killed in Rafah named as Sergeant Ori Yitzhak Hadad from Beer Sheva.

Funeral of IDF soldier at Mount Hertzl military cemetery (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Publication was allowed: A soldier of the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Ori Yitzhak Hadad (21) from Beer Sheva fell in the battle in Rafah. He served as part of the Seder yeshiva. His father is the CEO of 'Beit Moriah' in Beer Sheva.

The funeral of Ori the 14th will be at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem at 19:00.

The IDF spokesman says that in the incident in which Hadad fell, a soldier from the Nahal Brigade was seriously injured. The soldier was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family was informed.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Israel-Gaza war fallen soldiers Rafah


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