
Lapid: No problem with Charedim in coalition - on our terms

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid said in response to a question by JFeed that "so long as (the Charedim) accept the (coalition) principles, there is no problem in sitting with them."

Yair Lapid. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

JFeed asked Opposition Leader Yair Lapid a question today (Monday) at his weekly party meeting regarding Yair Golan's statement today that he would not rule out sitting in a coalition with Charedi parties.

He responded that "so long as they accept the (coalition) fundamentals, there is no problem sitting with them. I said this all throughout the years. The fundamentals - part of them is that everyone needs to enlist and everyone needs to work for a living. No-one wants to harm the Charedi way of life in the State of Israel. They just need to accept these fundamentals, and then there's what to talk about politically."

As it looks right now, they are not willing to accept fundamentals of a draft over age 18?

Lapid: "Let there be elections first, and we will win, and then ask me questions."

Yair Lapid Charedim Binyamin Netanyahu


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